EU launches new R&I policy website
A new website to monitor the pace of research and innovation within the EU is now online.
The Research and Innovation Observatory (RIO) – Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF) website is intended to support policy making in Europe by providing practical information, data and analyses on research and innovation policies across the EU.
The website constitutes an important knowledge base in support of the European Semester, the EU’s annual cycle of economic policy co-ordination. As part of this, DG Research undertakes detailed analyses of the member states’ research and innovation performance and policies each year, and provides them with recommendations.
The outcomes of the activities of the Horizon 2020 PSF feed into the website in order to strengthen support for evidence-based policy making. The PSF was launched by the commission in March 2015 to assist member states and associated countries in reforming their research and innovation policies.
The observatory at the Joint Research Centre produces detailed yearly RIO country reports on the evolution of national research and innovation systems. It also provides a series of thematic analytical reports on the impact of public funding instruments on excellence and on effective knowledge transfer mechanisms between business and academia.
The website offers quantitative and qualitative information by country, including policy documents, reports, statistics and visualisations of key indicators, as well as regular coverage of research and innovation policy developments in member states.
Visit the website.