RRI Toolkit launches today
Research actors across Europe are to be supported in their efforts towards more responsible research and innovation (RRI) with the launch of a new RRI Toolkit.
RRI is a key action of the ‘Science with and for Society’ objective of Horizon 2020 and is considered a cross-cutting issue throughout the framework programme. It is being pushed by the European Commission as a means of fostering and facilitating more inclusive R&I that better answers the needs and expectations of society.
To this end, the FP7-funded RRI Tools project has gathered a wealth of online resources from all over Europe to help stakeholders (researchers, policy makers, business and industry, educators and civil society organisations) across the continent put RRI into practice: the RRI Toolkit.
Users can search the online toolkit to find resources on such topics as open access, gender equality, ethics, science education, governance and public engagement, and can also reflect on the implementation of RRI in their own work via a self-reflection tool.
A beta version of the toolkit can be found here; a complete version is expected in July 2016.