Update on the MOLTRAQ project
The project’s focus has been to collect virus isolates from several different host-pathogen systems across Europe, utilise them to increase knowledge on transmission, prevention and control of viral diseases in ...
The MAB3 project
Macroalgae have, more than any land-based crop, the ability to produce natural biomolecules suitable for an array of different applications. Such biomolecules can be extracted for added value in cosmetics, pharmaceutical...
Mitigation measures
Recent observations indicate that global warming is responsible for heavier rainfall and flooding and more severe droughts. Across Europe, predictions are for more frequent events of high precipitation, wetter winters ...
Chemistry of Europe’s agricultural soil
Following a suggestion of the Food and Agriculture Organization during the 68th UN General Assembly, 2015 has been declared the International Year of Soils (1). One of the main aims of this is to highlight the ...
Active Roofs and Facades
Peder Vejsig Pedersen, director of Cenergia, outlines the agenda for the Nordic Built project Active Roof and Facades in Sustainable Renovation. The Nordic Built Active Roofs and Facades project is supported by Nordic ...
Health-promoting compounds in livestock
In response to consumer demands, as well as government regulations, today’s intensive farm animal industry must adapt to producing ruminants without antibiotic growth promoters. Because there is no alternative ...
The many faces of (nano)particles
For many decades scientists have prepared particulate materials for a variety of applications, such as pharmaceutical products, ceramics, paints, inks and fillers for composite materials. Not surprisingly, most of these ...
Atomic resolution imaging
Researchers from three universities in the Netherlands and Belgium have achieved the following of a chemical reaction in real time and at atomic resolution. This became possible because the chemical reaction, taking ...
Understanding diet-induced obesity
It has been discovered that the development of insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes in obese patients is an individual occurrence; the CNM Group searches to find out why Ulf Risérus and his researchers in the Clinical...
Chromatin proteins: move or modify
The organisation of DNA into chromosomes is important not only for packaging but also for the regulation of processes such as replication, transcription and DNA repair. Transcription factors in these processes access the...