BBI launches €106m million call
A €106m R&D call has been unveiled for bio-based initiatives to turn renewable resources into useful bio-based products. It is the second call for proposals for the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU).
The call for proposals will support research and innovation actions, including demonstration actions for making the best use of biomass. The call is aimed at speeding up the development of new biorefineries and is focused on exploiting synergies across sectors.
The call also intends to improve strategic co-operation between different economic sectors, linking actors involved in biomass supply to biorefineries and consumers of bio-based products. It is hoped that this integration of producers, refineries and consumers will help SMEs as their technologies, equipment and instruments will be needed to assist large enterprises as well as stand-alone projects.
A total of €64m will be allocated for Demonstration Actions that will, amongst others, develop high purity bio-based intermediates and end products from vegetable oils and fats; extract organic acids from municipal solid waste; develop innovative cellulose-based composite packaging solutions; and make the most of agricultural residues and side streams from the agro-food industry.
Meanwhile, a total of €28m will be allocated for Research and Innovation Actions, covering topics that include developing bio-based molecules for coating and surface treatment; tailoring tree species to produce wood designed for industrial processes and biorefining purposes; and increasing productivity of industrial multi-purpose agricultural crops.
An additional €12m is assigned for innovative and efficient biorefinery technologies, whilst €2m will cover Co-ordination and Support Actions.
More information can be found here.