EU finances volcano monitoring systems
The European Commission is funding two key projects to help forecast the eruption of volcanoes.
The European Volcano Observatory Space Services (EVOSS) project received financing from FP7 and has developed a new satellite-based system to automatically detect and monitor erupting volcanoes worldwide. The project’s ‘cloud’ of specialised computer servers then automatically disseminates the real-time data to the relevant civil protection authorities.
The system measures eruptions in three ways: the heat coming from a volcano, the ash and gases being emitted, and the physical changes on the Earth’s surface. These readings can help scientists better anticipate how a volcano is likely to behave in the future – for example, whether activity is escalating or decreasing. The system is already operational in Europe, Africa and volcanic islands in the surrounding oceans.
Also receiving funding is the Volcanic Unrest in Europe and Latin America (VUELCO) project, which has completed a study on six volcanoes in Europe and around the world. The study has led to a database on volcanic unrest and better forecasting models. In parallel, the project team is developing ways to improve communication between volcanologists and civil protection authorities. The aim is to help local communities understand scientific advice on volcanoes and take the appropriate actions.
EVOSS received €2.9m in funding and involved partners from France, Belgium, Italy, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. VUELCO obtained €3.5m in funding and involved partners from the UK, Spain, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Jamaica and Ecuador.