EU-organises agricultural R&I event
In just over a week’s time at the Charlemagne building in Brussels, Belgium, the EU will host a conference on a strategic approach to algricultural research and innovation.
The conference takes ‘Designing the path’ as its title and theme, and aims to ‘present the main elements of a long term strategy for EU agricultural research and innovation’. The target audience of the conference includes agricultural, rural and food scientists, research networks, rural stakeholders (including farmers and retailers of farm produce), and international organisations and authorities (namely EU member states and senior third parties).
The event has proven to be popular in that capacity has been reached and registration for it has now closed. The conference will, however, be webstreamed live from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 website and social media users are invited to discuss the topics by using the hashtag – #EU_AgriResearch.
With a two-part structure spanning 26-28 January 2016, the conference closes what has been a six month programme that began in Milan, Italy, in June 2015.