Food security and FCH JU call results announced
Horizon 2020 calls are still being heavily oversubscribed to following the flash results of a Societal Challenge and JTI call.
The €128m ‘Sustainable food security’ call received a total of 152 proposals across its 15 topics, with researchers requesting a total of €479.7m of funding for the 82 above-threshold proposals judged by the European Commission. There were no inadmissible or ineligible proposals and Brussels has recently informed the winning projects.
Results have also been given for the €93m ‘FCH2 JU call for proposals 2014’. The funding budget for the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking is split as follows: the activities of the transport pillar has a total of €42m, while the activities of the energy pillar have a total budget of €41.5m. Finally, overarching projects in the FCH2 JU have a budget of €5m, whilst crosscutting pillars have access to funding of €4.5m
The research call covers 22 topics and 57 research project proposals were submitted to the Commission; 23 proposals were deemed above the threshold. Funding worth €106.2m from the FCH2 JU was requested and again, no projects were deemed as ineligible. The Joint Undertaking has evaluated all the proposals and the successful applicants have been informed. The first grant agreements will be signed by July 2015.