Hen project seeks increased business efficiency
A project funded by Horizon 2020 and co-ordinated by the UK’s University of Bristol will establish on-farm and off-farm innovation networks that will search for and use new ideas to make businesses more efficient and sustainable.
The Hennovation project involves 15 researchers from five EU countries (namely UK, Sweden, Czech Republic, Spain and the Netherlands) and was launched earlier this year. Up to 20 innovation networks will be set up at different stages of the production chain at local, national and European level. The networks will be supported by veterinary surgeons, farm advisors and scientific researchers alongside those who buy eggs or certify egg production. According to the University of Bristol, the need for innovation has come from the producers and industry. The project will run for two years and is receiving €2m from Horizon 2020.
David Main, professor of animal welfare and project co-ordinator at the University of Bristol’s School of Veterinary Sciences, said: “Changes in commercial animal husbandry often require producers and industry to modify existing practices, which creates opportunities for experimentation and innovation.
“With the growing recognition that the traditional model of knowledge transfer from scientific research to industry practice has not always been effective in addressing hoped-for changes in animal welfare and environmental sustainability, a growing emphasis is now being placed on more co-operative forms of knowledge generation and experimental innovation.”
The innovation networks will initially tackle two particular issues of concern in the production chain: injurious pecking and the transport and use of hens that no longer lay any eggs. The project will also aim to demonstrate the potential of innovation led by producers and industry practices on farm, during transport and at the abattoir. One of the main aims of the project is to develop and disseminate technical innovations which have come from practice and communicate economic and scientific information.
The project will also develop the skills of the participants in the innovation networks and facilitate the interaction and communication of individuals within each network. Web-based communication tools and an online training program will be designed to support the knowledge sharing within and between the networks. It is hoped the Hennovation project will inspire and support innovation in other livestock sectors.