Maritime and fisheries database now online
Stakeholders interested in the maritime and fisheries field can now consult the new EASME database to find related projects and activities.
The database includes all projects funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) under calls for proposals published between 2014 and 2016.
Topics range from coastguard co-operation to sustainable tourism.
The European Commission has delegated to EASME the implementation of part of the EMFF actions under direct management. This represents a budget of €340m for 2014-2020 and includes funding dedicated to integrated governance of maritime and coastal affairs, as well as cross-sectoral initiatives, e.g. integrated maritime surveillance, maritime spatial planning, marine data and knowledge.
It also covers sustainable economic growth, employment, innovation and new technologies within emerging and prospective maritime sectors; scientific advice and knowledge for fisheries within and beyond EU-waters; and fisheries control and enforcement within a regional perspective to foster co-operation between member states.
View the database here.