New BBI JU executive director announced
The Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) has announced Philippe Mengal as its new executive director.
Mengal has led major strategic and managerial achievements across 24 years of professional experience as a CEO, and in business development and R&D management in the field of green technologies, engineering and food/life sciences industries.
Rudolf Strohmeier, chair of the BBI JU’s Governing Board and deputy director general of DG Research and Innovation at the European Commission, commented: “On behalf of the Governing Board, I would like to congratulate Philippe Mengal for his nomination. Thanks to his proven experience and business acumen, we are convinced Philippe Mengal is the right person to lead the BBI JU.”
Mengal said he was “looking forward to this new experience”, adding that he “will work hard to enable BBI JU to become a real success story”.
Marcel Wubbolts, representative of the Bio-based Industries Consortium, also congratulated and welcomed Mengal to the helm of the BBI JU.
The executive director’s appointment is set to become effective as of 1 October, subject to the completion of the necessary administrative procedures required to finalise the recruitment. Mengal’s contract will run for an initial period of three years, after which the governing board will decide whether to extend the term of office for a further period of up to four years.
Mengal’s contract is pending signature subject to administrative procedures. He was appointed by the BBI JU Governing Board on a proposal from the European Commission.