23 new environment projects to be funded under Horizon 2020
The European Commission has selected 23 proposals for funding under Horizon 2020’s ‘Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials’ Societal Challenge, it was announced yesterday.
The new projects were chosen from a total of 105 in reply to three calls for proposals under Horizon 2020 on the topic of ‘Waste: a resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials’.
A total of 18 projects won funding under the call for ‘growing a low carbon, resource efficient economy with a sustainable supply of raw materials’, which attracted the most proposals at 75. This call focuses on, amongst other topics, Earth observation, climate services and sustainable exploration technologies and geomodels.
Three ‘water innovation’ projects are to receive funding, whilst two projects will be supported under a call for raw materials partnerships, ‘waste as a resource of raw materials’, which attracted just six proposals.
Grant agreements are now being prepared so that the new projects can start as of January 2016.
Altogether, they will receive an EU contribution of more than €130.5m.