Climate-KIC summer school students to pitch business ideas
The first students of Climate-KIC’s 2015 summer school are this week pitching in a business ideas competition marking the final leg of The Journey.
Bringing together students and young professionals from 21 locations across Europe, this year’s programme is Climate-KIC’s largest summer school to date. It consists of eight separate groups of students who journey across three different European locations for five weeks, gaining insight and experience from a selection of Europe’s best universities and most innovative businesses.
Based on their own creativity and climate change knowledge, students must present a detailed business plan to a judging panel consisting of venture capitalists, start-up entrepreneurs and scientists.
Teams from the first four groups are pitching their business ideas in Wrocław, Poland, and Munich, Germany. The final pitching sessions conclude a journey of the four groups across the Netherlands, France, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark and the UK.
During their journey the students develop their entrepreneurial skills and understand how they might have impact on global climate change by founding a start-up company.
The Journey will this week meet Climate-KIC’s (virtual) #JourneyToParis campaign as part of the lead up to COP21, the UN climate change summit in Paris later this year. Since June, Climate-KIC has been putting the spotlight on a different part of Europe to showcase the people and initiatives who are building its low carbon economy.
Find out more at the Climate-KIC website.