COP21 pledge calculator developed
A special calculator has been developed to show the effects of a country’s promises to combat climate change at COP21.
The interactive tool was jointly developed by Climate-KIC and Financial Times and was released just ahead of the start of talks in Paris on 30 November.
The calculator allows users to see the effects of a country reducing their emissions in line with their pledges made at COP21. The tool also enables citizens to decide how countries should collaborate in order to decrease emissions; the efforts required to prevent a global temperature rise of 2°C in the short, medium and long terms can also be identified.
The calculator shows that the emissions pathway from the combined national pledges could place the world on a trajectory of 4°C of warming by 2100. It is generally accepted that a temperature rise of above 2°C would be “catastrophic” for the global economy.
The COP21 calculator can be accessed here.