Eurbanlab breaks into market
With backing from Climate-KIC, a project focusing on encouraging the uptake of innovative solutions in the area of sustainable urban development has begun offering its services.
Eurbanlab helps city councils and local housing authorities to increase the sustainability of their urban built environment by raising awareness of solutions that provide the greatest potential. According to Climate-KIC, whilst there are plenty of innovative solutions and technologies available, awareness of such initiatives remains low. The KIC also highlights issues concerning a lack of knowledge regarding impact, complexity and payback period of solutions, which works against uptake.
“In order to make the required leap in sustainability, there is a need to accelerate mutual learning and to create insight into successful innovations in sustainable construction,” Climate-KIC says.
The project includes partners from across Europe, including TNO, the Institute for Sustainability, University of Versailles and the University of Utrecht. The project was supported by Climate-KIC between 2009 and 2014. More information can be found here.