H2020 backs UV water disinfection technology
UK: A project has received support from Horizon 2020 to develop innovative UV technology for the treatment of industrial process water.
The core objective of the ECO-UV project is the “demonstration and characterisation of an innovative UV lamp and driving electronics technology for chemical-free water treatment and disinfection”. The project aims to greatly increase energy efficiency, deliver a lower carbon footprint and reduce environmental impact.
The venture is being co-ordinated by Hanovia and includes the involvement of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; DVGW, the German Gas and Waterworks Association’s Centre of Applied Research; and IVL, the Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
Commenting, project manager Jane Wallis of Hanovia said: “This substantial award from the EU represents a huge vote of confidence in the technical and economic ambition of Hanovia and our ability to deliver a new generation of highly efficient UV lamps. We are very excited to be part of this project, working with some of the world’s leading research, validation and environmental assessment organisations to bring to the market this new generation of UV disinfection technology, and so help our clients around the world reduce their costs and carbon footprint.”
The UV lamps will be integrated in Hanovia treatment systems and the performance of the whole UV system will be independently evaluated at DVGW and monitored for efficiency by IVL.