Brussels announces results of EURATOM fission calls
The European Commission has provided details of the winning outcomes of its two EURATOM calls that ran during 2013 and 2014.
The first call, entitled ‘EURATOM FISSION’, ran between 2013 and 2014, and had a budget of over €85m. The call covered topics such as ‘Integrating radiation research in the European Union’, ‘Improved safety design’ and ‘Supporting the implementation of the first-of-the-kind geological repositories’. Brussels says that all 62 proposals submitted were eligible and that the number of above-threshold proposals was 52. The above topics benefit from the greatest funding available under the call, that is €19.82m, €17.55m and €14.02m respectively.
The second call, named ‘EURATOM FISSION – 2’ had a budget of €2m and ran during 2014 only. Covering a single topic entitled ‘Supporting the licensing of Western nuclear fuel for reactors of VVER design operating in the EU’, five proposals were submitted, and three were judged to be above the evaluation threshold.
The Commission is currently notifying the winning applicants, with the expected grant agreements to be signed in May.