Results announced for green building call
The European Commission has revealed that it has received 77 proposals for its ‘Energy Efficiency – PPP EeB and SPIRE topics’ Horizon 2020 call.
The €19.5m call sought research proposals concerning the development of energy-efficient building design and heat recovery technologies. The Commission will now evaluate the proposals submitted and selected projects will be implemented under two contractual public private partnerships (cPPPs), namely the Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB) cPPP and the Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency (SPIRE) cPPP.
Of the proposals submitted, 48 ideas were tendered to the call’s ‘Buildings design for new highly energy performing buildings’ topic and chosen projects will be implemented as part of the EeB cPPP. Meanwhile, 29 proposals were sent to the Commission for the ‘New technologies for utilisation of heat recovery in large industrial systems’ topic and those selected will be instigated under the SPIRE cPPP.
The call fell under the ‘Secure, clean and efficient energy’ objective of the Societal Challenges pillar and closed on 4 February 2015. A number of related energy efficiency calls are still open covering the research areas of ‘buildings and consumers’, ‘heating and cooling’, ‘industry’ and ‘finance’ and are accepting project proposals until 4 June; more information can be found here.