Centre identified for ageing research
The EU has recognised a research initiative in Ireland as one of the top projects in Europe at an awards ceremony for active and healthy ageing practices.
The scheme was recognised at the ceremony described as the ‘Oscars of innovation for ageing’. The initiative is being led by two research centres at the Dundalk Institute of Technology in County Louth, Ireland. University College Cork is also involved in the ‘Collaboration on Ageing’ (COLLAGE) scheme. The project is part of the EU vision to increase the average healthy lifespan of European citizens by two years by 2020.
Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice-President, described COLLAGE, one of only 13 to receive the top three-star status, and other winners as helping to build a healthier and ‘age-friendly society’. COLLAGE was among 32 initiatives recognised as ‘reference sites’ by the European Commission. A ‘reference site’ is a comprehensive and innovation-based approach to active and healthy ageing research and brings together a range of public and third-party care organisations. They are able to demonstrate particular innovative practices which could be transferred to other European contexts.
Rodd Bond, director of the Netwell Centre, one of the two centres involved in the research, commented: “Our regional activities in Louth have established a global reputation for leading new ways in service delivery and collaborations on the ground providing innovative services for older people. Working alongside our partners in COLLAGE, we aim to play our part in the EU’s aims to increase the average healthy lifespan of Europeans by two years by 2020.
Bond added: “The emphasis now is on scaling up the projects and applying them throughout Europe. This will mean providing professional advice to EU member states and regions for the design of their innovation strategies for smart specialisation and enhancing local ability to access Horizon 2020”.