Genome Canada’s Pierre Meulien to lead IMI
The Innovative Medicines Initiative has named Pierre Meulien as its new executive director.
Meulien, who is currently president and chief executive officer of Genome Canada, will take up his duties at IMI in mid-September 2015. According to the Horizon 2020-backed joint undertaking, he brings a wealth of experience working in academia, the pharmaceutical industry and research-funding organisations on both sides of the Atlantic. The news was announced at IMI’s annual Stakeholder Forum in Brussels on Monday.
Reacting to the news, Meulien, who holds Irish nationality, said: “I am delighted to have been selected to lead the second phase of the IMI. This unique joint venture will deliver health innovations to millions of European citizens and solidify an important industry based in Europe that will be a source of jobs and growth in all of the member states.”
Whilst at Genome Canada, Meulien succeeded in securing significant funding from the Government of Canada and leveraged further funds through partnerships. He also developed the Genomics Innovation Network to keep Canada at the cutting edge of genomics-based technologies. Before joining Genome Canada in 2010, Meulien served as chief scientific officer for Genome British Columbia, where he promoted the organisation’s scientific strategy.
Giving his reaction, Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, said: “The excellent results coming out of IMI’s projects contribute to improving public health and are stimulating innovation and job creation in Europe. Pierre Meulien’s invaluable experience will help IMI deliver on its ambitious objectives.”
The mandate of Professor Michel Goldman, the previous IMI executive director, ended in December 2014. Since then, Irene Norstedt has been seconded to IMI from the European Commission to head up the organisation as acting executive director. After taking up his post, Norstedt will return to DG Research and Innovation in the European Commission.