Health Diet for a Healthy Life JPI event details revealed
Health Diet for a Healthy Life JPI event details revealed © Julie Gentry

Health Diet for a Healthy Life JPI event details revealed

The second Conference of the Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life Joint Programming Initiative (JPI HDHL) has been announced.

The conference will provide an update on the progress of JPI HDHL since the first conference in 2012 and will launch the next phase of JPI, including an implementation plan. Networking opportunities will be available to stakeholders in the health and nutrition sector to help develop collective joint efforts, as well as nurture solutions for this grand societal challenge. The event will take place on 28 March in Brussels, with Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, delivering the opening address.

The JPI HDHL’s vision is that by 2030 all Europeans will have the motivation, ability and opportunity to consume a healthy diet from a variety of foods, have healthy levels of physical activity and the incidence of diet-related diseases will have decreased significantly. The conference will also assess the chances and barriers to meeting this second phase.

The conference will bring together around 200 stakeholders and partners, including researchers, national and international policy makers, NGOs, industry, other JPIs and Research Infrastructure Initiatives.