Retail, agriculture receive ITEA 3 application attention
EUREKA has published the results of the latest ITEA 3 research call.
The call represented a continued increase in applications to fund research projects involving software engineering, health and wellbeing, smart industry, and surveillance and security. Proposals concerning research and development in the retail and agriculture sectors represented two new important R&D topics.
Proposals were received from 22 different countries, including for the first time, Canada and Taiwan. France and Turkey submitted a particularly high number of applications for funding, whilst researchers from the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Spain, Romania and Belgium were also principally involved in the project application consortiums, according to ITEA 3 vice-chairman Philippe Letellier. The call also witnessed the increasing involvement of SMEs.
Following scrutiny, 21 project proposals have now been selected to take part in the next stage of the application process. ITEA supports innovative, industry-driven, pre-competitive R&D projects in the area of software-intensive systems and services and is a EURKEA Cluster.