Clean Sky at Farnborough International Airshow
The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking has said it is “delighted” to be present at the Innovation Zone at the Farnborough International Airshow from 14-18 July.
The Innovation Zone is a focal point for the research and development needs of the industry.
The event will allow large, medium, and small businesses, government trade delegations, universities, research centres and students, the general public, and the media, to engage with Clean Sky to find out more about how they have been able to contribute to delivering the aircraft technologies of tomorrow as well as developing a continent-wide innovation chain.
Clean Sky said they will be “exhibiting 14 items of hardware developed with industry leaders and SMEs with funding from the initial Clean Sky programme”. These will be accompanied by video and other visual material with industry representatives leading live demonstration.
Part of the stand will also be devoted to the launch of Clean Sky 2 and information regarding the new calls for proposals.