EU meets major airlines to debate strategy
The chief executives of Europe’s five largest airline groups have met with the European Transport Commissioner to discuss the EU’s aviation strategy.
The heads of Lufthansa, Air France-KLM, International Airlines Group, Ryanair and EasyJet met with Violeta Bulc and urged her to develop a strategy that will support growth and jobs across Europe. They also emphasised the importance of strengthening the continent’s aviation sector and providing passengers with lower fares and more choice.
The CEOs stressed the development of an EU aviation strategy with a plan for a simple, efficient regulatory structure that would strengthen the competitiveness of European airlines. Also important was ensuring jobs and growth through innovation, for example through Horizon 2020, protecting consumer interests and promoting greater efficiency to reduce costs.
The airlines also called for lowering the cost of the EU’s airports, possibly through reforming the Airport Charges Directive. Delivering reliable and efficient airspace by reducing the cost of Air Traffic Control (ATC) provision, resetting the Single European Sky strategy by focusing on using new technology to make efficiency savings, and using SESAR funding to drive compliance with the Single Sky framework was also emphasised.
Finally, stimulating more economic activity and jobs by creating the “right” regulatory environment as well as removing passenger and “unreasonable” environmental taxes were also important measures the CEOs said.
Following the meeting, the chief executives commented: “This is the first time we have joined together to highlight the importance of a new European Aviation Strategy.
“As the new Transport Commissioner prepares this strategy we encouraged her to drive more fair competition, encourage more efficiency and help reduce costs in other parts of our industry (such as monopoly airports and ATC providers) and reduce the tax burden on passengers.”
The chief executives also confirmed their support for several key principles and action items that should underpin EU aviation policy, in particular a commitment to safety.