First deadlines for Mobility for Growth calls
The European Commission has announced that Horizon 2020’s 2015 Mobility for Growth calls will close for some applications tomorrow.
The calls, which include multiple application deadlines, are worth €165.5m collectively and sit under the ‘Smart, green and integrated transport’ objective of the Societal Challenges pillar.
The single stage call, and the first part of the two-stage call, both opened on 10 December 2014 and share the deadline of 23 April 2015. The single stage call, worth €21m, provides research funding to support international co-operation in aeronautics in China, Japan and Canada; there is also funding for ‘Transport societal drivers’ and ‘Fostering transnational co-operation in European transport research and innovation – NCP network’.
The two-stage call, worth €144.5m, funds research topics including ‘Safe and connected automation in road transport’, ‘Enhancing resource efficiency of aviation’, and ‘Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility’. The second deadline for the second part of this call is 15 October 2015.