H2020 national transport information sessions
National info days or sessions about transport research in Horizon 2020 and the new funding opportunities are organised between the end of 2013 and early 2014.
On the occasion of the launch of Horizon 2020, some member states are organising information sessions about the new programme for transport research, in particular on the funding opportunities it offers in 2014 and 2015.
They will be organised between the end of 2013 and beginning of 2014 with the involvement of representatives of the European Commission and of member states.
The aim of the sessions is to inform and prepare potential participants from the whole transport sector to answer the calls. The programme includes the presentation of priorities of Horizon 2020, the Work Programme 2014-15 in the field of transport, and changes in rules of participation and funding aspects.
Info days will be held on 16 December in Bucharest, Romania and 20 January in Stockholm, Sweden. They have already been held in Rome, Paris, Madrid, Vienna, and Brno.