New fast transfer rescue boat revealed
Horizon 2020 has helped finance the development of a new specialised service boat that will assist in the transport of crew during the maintenance of offshore wind farms.
The new ProZero 11m WIND FARM SERVICE BOAT has been unveiled by Tuco Marine and can be easily lifted onto and off larger ships which are unable to travel near the wind farms. The boat can also be launched from slipways built into larger ships.
The new vessels use carbon fibre deposits, helping increase fuel efficiency and reducing the weight of the craft on the larger mother ships. The ProZero 11m WIND FARM SERVICE BOAT features a twin waterjet installation fitted to inboard diesel engines and has the potential to transport eight passengers and cargo. It operates at service speeds above 30kts. Financing for the project was provided by the Small Business Innovation Research for Transport call as part of the EU’s research and innovation framework programme.