SSAB helps future bulk transport as part of EU project
SSAB has been selected to develop Europe’s next generation of bulk wagons in an international project part funded by Horizon 2020.
The goal of the project, which is also carried out as a collaboration between nine European companies and organisations, is to create the most modern logistics system possible for the Spanish salt producer Iberpotash, and thus set a new standard in European bulk logistics. Also participating from Sweden is Kiruna Wagon and the division of mechanics of solid materials at Luleå University of Technology, which has a particular focus on solid mechanics.
The wagon development work is the hub of the project, which includes the optimisation of the entire logistics chain. This includes the use of SSAB’s high strength steel in future bulk wagons to Luleå University of Technology’s investigative work to increase productivity and reduce wear during the loading and unloading of bulk materials.
Speaking about the project, Fredrik Kangas, managing director at Kiruna Wagon, said: “We believe that this approach is the right way to go in order to raise the EU’s bulk industries to the same high level of productivity, durability and safety that characterises our Swedish mining companies, and from there to the next level.”
Adding his thoughts, Pär Jonsén, associate professor at Luleå University of Technology, commented: “The project is unique in that it combines industrial expertise in design, construction, materials and logistics with research in advanced modelling, dimensioning, fatigue and abrasion in order to find innovative solutions.”
Kiruna Wagon’s body-turning solution, the Turn Dumper, is the basis for the new wagon and likely to become a new standard for future European bulk transport. In addition to designing the wagon, Kiruna Wagon will also work actively to ensure that future bulk transports are carried out with long trains and high axle loads, which has benefits for both productivity and the environment.