WHO warning prompts fast EU action
The swift development of a vaccine against the Zika virus has become an urgent priority for, among others, EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation Carlos Moedas, who has pledged an initial €10m into its research. “I have instructed my services to mobilise €10m for urgently needed research on the Zika virus in response to the upsurge in cases of severe congenital brain malformations across Latin Am...
Research and migration conference begins
A two-day conference has begun in Brussels, Belgium, to explore and demonstrate how Eu...
EU-backed fusion energy facility inaugurated
A new cutting-edge plasma physics facility backed by the Horizon 2020 Euratom programm...
NUI Galway launches robotic stem cell project
NUI Galway’s Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) has launched AUTOSTEM, a new �...
Commission launches public consultation on PRIMA
The European Commission has now opened a public consultation on a new research and inn...
Infectious diseases treatments get €20m boost
The InnovFin Infectious Diseases (ID) facility has provided a €20m loan to French bi...
Graphene brain implants to treat NDGs
Researchers from the University of Trieste, Italy, and the Cambridge Graphene Centre, ...
New toolkits for smart cities
Three new financing solutions toolkits for the energy efficient renovation of building...
Horizon 2020 making cities sustainable
Engineers from Trinity College Dublin have been awarded a €6m research grant from Ho...
Bulc opens smart cities conference
The ‘Transport for smart cities 2016: scaling innovation in Europe’ conference has...
European Capital of Innovation shortlist revealed
Nine cities have been shortlisted as potential recipients for the 2016 European Capita...
Animal health research consortium to launch
An international research consortium on animal health is to launch tomorrow at the con...
Gender Summits publication released
Gender and science specialist company Portia Ltd has released its latest publication t...
BBI JU to hold open info day on 2016 call
The Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) is to hold an open info day on 21 ...
EU-organises agricultural R&I event
In just over a week’s time at the Charlemagne building in Brussels, Belgium, the EU ...