New toolkits for smart cities
Three new financing solutions toolkits for the energy efficient renovation of buildings have been developed by the CITYnvest project. The project assists local authorities in the application of suitable financing solutions for developments in sustainable energy action plans. The first tool is the report, ‘Increasing capacities in cities for innovating financing in energy efficiency’, which is a review of the inno...
Horizon 2020 making cities sustainable
Engineers from Trinity College Dublin have been awarded a €6m research grant from Ho...
Bulc opens smart cities conference
The ‘Transport for smart cities 2016: scaling innovation in Europe’ conference has...
Commission invests €78m in 18 projects
The European Commission has awarded grants to 18 new projects in the areas of raw mate...
Cleantech winners announced
The Cleantech Republic Awards are presented to cleantech companies based in France....
Energy RDI plan revealed
The European Commission has announced a new Energy Union research strategy at COP21....
Circular economy deal agreed
The European Commission has agreed a new package to aid the EU’s transition to a cir...
COP21 pledge calculator developed
A special calculator has been developed to show the effects of a country’s promises ...
Trigger found for rainforest tree death
Scientists have identified the ecological trigger that brings about the death of tropi...
Analysis… Geology for society
Vitor Correia, president of the European Federation of Geologists, discusses the vital...
Climate-KIC in World Efficiency event
Climate-KIC has taken part in the first new edition of Pollutec Paris. Now called Worl...
Commission backs new IPCC chair
The European Commission has confirmed its continued support for the work of the Interg...
Solar project secures major funding
A Climate-KIC start-up has garnered €4m in financial backing from three energy funds...
Funding for membrane wastewater venture
Horizon 2020 is backing a project to realise advantages in wastewater reuse by develop...
Volcanic eruptions found to impact rivers
Major volcanic eruptions can have a significant effect on the flow of the world’s bi...