Horizon 2020 making cities sustainable
Engineers from Trinity College Dublin have been awarded a €6m research grant from Horizon 2020 to improve air quality in cities and reduce their carbon footprint. The funding will go towards the iSCAPE (Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe) project, which will see the engineers develop sustainable and passive air pollution remediation strategies, policy interventions and behavioural chan...
Bulc opens smart cities conference
The ‘Transport for smart cities 2016: scaling innovation in Europe’ conference has...
Electric cars meet daily driving needs
Daily driving needs can be satisfied with electric cars, a report from the Joint Resea...
Clean Sky and SESAR foster closer links
The Clean Sky and SESAR Joint Undertakings (JU) have signed a memorandum of co-operati...
Shift2Rail publishes calls for proposals
Shift2Rail, the Joint Undertaking (JU) backed by the Commission and the rail industr...
€170m for rail innovation
Shift2Rail has launched its first calls for proposals as part of Horizon 2020....
ATM plan agreed
SESAR JU leaders have approved the 2015 European ATM master strategy....
Saab aids new CS2 wing
An aircraft wing component developed by Saab is set for delivery....
Transport H2020 seminar announced
A UK National Contact Point is set to lead a workshop on the latest Horizon 2020 trans...
Scientists develop 'ultimate' battery demonstator
Researchers at the University of Cambridge, UK, have successfully showed how many of t...
UTRC leads CS2 TRL demonstrator project
A European research hub in Ireland has announced its lead of the MISSION project under...
University of Vaasa gets H2020 grant
A university in Finland has secured its first major Horizon 2020 grant. ...
Satellite project to improve airport logistics
An enhanced positioning system aimed at increasing the safety and efficiency of logist...
FCH JU backs major rollout
A major project backed by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) is su...
Better emissions testing tech backed
A €2.7m project aimed at improving emissions testing of diesel vehicles has received...