Special Report: SINE2020
Neutron scattering is a unique, major analytical technique. Since intense neutron beams are only available in central research facilities, European projects are essential to integrate these into an ecosystem which sustains the vibrant, world-leading European neutron community. SINE2020 is a new project in Horizon 2020 which will help prepare Europe for its future flagship facility (ESS – the European Spallation Source) and, through focus on data and innovation, enhance the industry use of neutrons in particular. Paradoxically, restricted access to neutron beams is looming on the horizon of 2020.

A futuristic view of ESS with the logos of the SINE2020 facilities and partners which constitute the European ecosystem for neutrons (Copyright: Henning Larsen Architects, edited by SINE2020)
The neutron was discovered in 1932 by James Chadwick. The use of neutrons to probe and understand matter and test scientific theory was developed through the second half of the 20th Century and neutrons have become a unique, major analytical technique in the scientist’s toolbox.
Neutrons underpin spectacular advances in materials that are at the heart of new technologies and more generally allow scientists to tackle the full range of societal challenges.
The great strength of neutrons is derived from their unique properties. The neutron is chargeless and the neutron-nuclei interaction is weak – neutrons can penetrate 30cm of aluminium in engineering materials and probe sensitive biological samples without damaging them. The wavelength of a neutron beam ranges from Angstroms to nanometres, and is perfectly matched to the interatomic distances in matter. Neutron energies range typically from almost zero to about 1000K and are ideal for probing vibrations and diffusion. Structure and dynamics, which underpin the properties of materials, are measured simultaneously in experiments.
The scattering of neutrons by nuclei does not vary systematically with atomic size and therefore small, light atoms can be just as visible as heavy atoms: for example hydrogen, lithium and oxygen ions in batteries and fuel cells. In addition, isotopes can have very different scattering powers allowing parts of systems to be selectively studied. Finally the magnetic moment of the neutron makes it a uniquely powerful probe of magnetism which is a key property of technological materials, like computer disk drives.
A major challenge for neutrons is that neutron beams are only available in central research facilities. Europe has the most powerful research reactor in the world at the Institut Laue Langevin (Grenoble, France), and at ISIS (Oxford, UK), the pioneer of neutron spallation sources. A new generation of spallation sources is now emerging, particularly in Europe with ESS (Lund, Sweden) – currently the largest European, research infrastructure project. Large national facilities in France (LLB), Germany (FRM2 and HZB) and Switzerland (PSI) and smaller facilities in the Netherlands (Delft), the Czech Republic (Prague) and Hungary (Budapest) complete the ecosystem of closely collaborating sources that sustains the vibrant, European neutron scattering community of almost 10,000 users.
European funding
Compared to lab-based techniques like X-rays, NMR, IR and Raman, education and training in universities and beyond is much more limited for neutrons. To meet this challenge, a high level of integration between facilities and the user community has been achieved through European-funded projects, culminating most recently in the Seventh Framework Programme with the Neutron and Muon Infrastructure Integrating Initiatives – NMI3*. These projects have systematically pursued dissemination, training and outreach as well as initiatives to harmonise the access to and use of facilities. In addition, a vital component of these projects has been transnational access (TNA) which sponsors beam-time use for scientists outside their home nations and is of particular benefit for the majority of countries that do not have neutron sources. An Open Access modus operandi of facilities has thus emerged for all European scientists.
SINE2020* is a €12m infrastructure development project in the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme that federates 18 facilities and academic partners. Through networking and joint-research activities (JRA), it takes forward some of the key components of previous projects to prepare the European community for first neutrons at ESS in 2020 – a major goal of SINE2020. Dissemination is essential for the project and neutrons while schools and the e-learning initiative will help train the next generation of users. By providing a wealth of web-based neutron material, the e-learning activity will facilitate the work of teachers and help neutrons to reach a much wider audience.
Significant technical challenges related to very high neutron fluxes persist for instrumentation and detectors and are addressed with dedicated JRAs, as is the need for specific sample preparation in the fields of soft matter and biology. Data is a clear focus of Horizon 2020 and the biggest JRA in SINE2020 will provide standard, open source software for data treatment for neutron scientists and the broader scientific community. Open Access data requires the corresponding software in order to be exploited. The most efficient production of scientific data and results is a key requirement for industry and a specific outreach activity to industry users is foreseen in the ‘industry consultancy’ networking activity – enhancing industry-use of facilities is the second major goal of SINE2020.
The future is bright for neutrons in Europe with ESS and SINE2020, and yet there is an emerging threat. Ageing infrastructure, combined with funding pressure, will result in the closure of two major national facilities in Europe by 2020. At a time when capacity needs to be maintained in order to draw full cost and scientific benefit from ESS, the European community is faced with a 25% reduction in capacity long before ESS will reach its full operational level. In addition, as an infrastructure development project, SINE2020 does not support TNA. A future integrating infrastructure initiative (I3) must provide new funding for TNA. This project must also address how to minimise the losses due to facility closures and the need for new, affordable national sources that will, in the future, underpin the world’s most powerful spallation source, ESS, and the world-leading, European neutron community.
*See http://nmi3.eu and http://sine2020.eu
Mark Johnson
Project Co-ordinator
SINE2020 Project
Institut Laue-Langevin
71 avenue des Martyrs
38000 Grenoble