Horizon 2020 Projects: Portal – Issue 9

Welcome to the latest edition of Horizon 2020 Projects: Portal, bringing you the latest developments in research, development and innovation from across the European Union and beyond.

Key contributors include:
Alain Beretz: The chairman of the League of European Research Universities offers his assessment of Horizon 2020;

Diego Pavía: The KIC InnoEnergy CEO outlines the importance of connecting big business with small
start-ups; and

Philippe Amouyel: The JPND chair on the research targeting neurodegeneration disease.

Horizon 2020 Projects: Portal

Horizon 2020 Projects: Portal is the invaluable quarterly publication for scientists, policy makers and researchers involved in the Union’s largest ever RDI investment programme.

This journal is the definitive guide to the EU research and innovation framework programme and offers informative, in depth and timely analysis and comment on the Union’s successor to FP7. The publication features exclusive interviews and articles from top European politicians as well as leading scientists undertaking Horizon 2020-funded research in their fields of expertise.

Portal accompanies the Horizon2020projects.com website, which offers daily news updates and articles on the framework programme, exploring key aspects of the near €80bn funding scheme which will dominate European science for the remainder of the decade.

For more information, please email admin@horizon2020projects.com.