Taiwan Government highlights H2020
Taiwan Government highlights H2020 benefits © daymin 6 January, 2014

Taiwanese scientists encouraged to participate in H2020

The Taiwanese Ministry of Science has encouraged researchers to participate in Horizon 2020. With a total budget of €79bn, the programme is also open to scientists from third countries.

Under the Excellent Science pillar, which aims to promote basic research, funds will be provided to encourage the mobility, training and career development of researchers, subsidies which are not limited only to European research teams according to the Taiwanese Government.

In terms of Societal Challenges, seven research objectives encourage the formation of interdisciplinary teams and partnerships with scientists from countries including Taiwan. The first calls for proposals, launched in December 2013, focused on the fields of personalised healthcare, the exploitation of the oceans (blue growth), competitive and low-carbon energy, energy efficiency, and the recycling, reuse and recovery of raw materials.