European Parliament, Brussels
© Francisco Antunes 23 February, 2015

MEPs to hold multiple debates on Juncker Investment Plan

Three European Parliamentary Committees will discuss the Investment for Europe this week in Brussels.

The Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Committee and Budgets (BUDG) Committee will hold a joint first debate on the proposed European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) today, with MEPs discussing the proposal of how to finance the ‘Juncker plan’. The investment scheme seeks to unlock public and private investments, and includes the participation of co-rapporteurs Udo Bullmann and José Manuel Fernandes of the ECON committee.

Similarly, members of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee of the European Parliament will discuss the creation of the EFSI during its two day meeting which begins today. MEPs will hold an exchange of views on the plan towards the end of the morning session on Tuesday.

The ECON committee is responsible for helping to pass the legislation, whilst both the BUDG and ITRE committees will express an opinion on the proposed regulation and feed into the debate.