Israel-Europe R&D appoints new head
The committee of The Israel-Europe R&D Directorate (ISERD) has approved the appointment of Nili Shalev as managing director in charge of implementing the scientific and technological agreement between Israel and the EU.
Israel joined the EU’s framework programme of research and innovation 20 years ago.
The current programme, Horizon 2020, running from 2014 to 2020, has a budget of €77bn. Israel is expected to invest approximately €1bn into its joint fund.
Shalev will be in charge of creating an infrastructure to make the most of Israel’s participation in European co-operation programmes and to increase Israel’s involvement in the European Research Area (ERA).
She will also promote the participation of Israel’s industry, academia and other organisations, including hospitals and ministries, in science, technology, innovation and research programmes where the European Union is involved.
Avi Hasson, the chief scientist at Israel’s Ministry of Economy and Industry and chairman of ISERD’s steering committee, said: “The new appointment is highly significant for the activity of the Israel Innovation Authority.
“Nili has vast experience in promoting Israeli foreign relations and innovation at home and abroad.”
Shalev said: “Israel’s participation in European R&D programmes over the years has brought tremendous benefits to industrial, academic and other organisations in Israel which have taken part in it.
“It brought Israel research grants worth billions of Euros, helped increase competition in industry, connected researchers and scientists from Israel and Europe, and helped bring home Israeli researchers living abroad.”
ISERD is an interministerial agency established by the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology and Space, the Budgeting Committee at the Council for Higher Education and the Ministries of Finance and Foreign Affairs.