Energy Union to benefit from H2020-funded projects
© Steppinstars 26 February, 2015

Energy Union to benefit from H2020-funded projects

DG Research and Innovation in the European Commission has announced that Horizon 2020-funded projects will bring particular benefits to the European Energy Union.

According to the Directorate-General, research, innovation and competitiveness has been identified as one of the five mutually-reinforcing and closely interrelated dimensions of the Energy Union. Embedded across all of the strategy’s priorities, The Commission sees R&I playing a key role in helping Europe achieve its ambitious climate and energy targets as well as helping the EU to deliver a low-energy economy, whilst making the energy consumed more secure, competitive, affordable and sustainable.

Horizon 2020 allocated a budget of €5.9bn to the ‘Secure, clean and efficient energy’ Societal Challenge. The objective focuses on an efficient use of energy; the free movement of energy, by creating a more integrated, interconnected and competitive market that will benefit citizens; and secure, safe and affordable energy for citizens and businesses, with an internal market that provides consumers with wider choice and lower prices. The Commission hopes that there will also be a technological shift in the energy industry, helping to bring new high-performance, low carbon technologies to the European market.