© Ilona Gr

Conference focuses on EIP contribution to growth and jobs

The annual conference of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA) will focus on the partnership’s contribution regarding social and economic growth as well as job creation.

The conference will take place in Brussels on 25 November 2013 and will also demonstrate how to scale-up innovation within the care systems in response to the current demographic challenge. A major input into the debate will be the evidence collected from European reference sites (coalitions of regions, cities, integrated hospitals or care organisations demonstrating comprehensive, innovation-based approaches to active and healthy ageing) and the first outcomes of the EIP-AHA, which has seen six large scale actions launched during the last twelve months.

More than 500 people are expected to attend, including representatives from national and regional authorities, health and social care professionals, industry, insurers and NGOs.

More information can be found here.