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IMI2 workshop to take place in Finland

It’s been announced that an information day on IMI2 will take place in Finland during August.

The workshop will be held on the 26 August 2014 at the Haartman Institute in Helsinki. The day will highlight the successes made under IMI, the opportunities available under IMI2, and the IP rules that will be applied to new calls. Previous researchers involved in IMI will also provide their insights into working in the JTI.

Speakers addressing attendees include Hugh Laverty, senior scientific project manager, IMI; Magali Poinot, legal manager, IMI; and Antti Haapalinna, research vice-president, Orion Corporation and EFPIA research directors group member. Minna Hendolin, director of Tekes will also speak to delegates, along with representatives from the University of Helsinki and the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

The first calls under IMI2, along with the other JTIs, will be announced on 9 July 2014 in Brussels.